How to add MYSQL database in cPanel Print

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To add a MySQL database to cPanel, you can use the MySQL Database Wizard:
  1. Log in to cPanel
  2. Click MySQL Database Wizard
  3. Enter a name for the database and click Next Step
  4. Create a user for the database by entering a username and password
  5. Click Create User
  6. Select All Privileges or choose individual privileges
  7. Click Next Step
  8. The database is created and the user is added 
You can also import a MySQL database into cPanel using phpMyAdmin:
  1. Go to the Databases section and click phpMyAdmin
  2. Click Import 
You can view MySQL database details in cPanel by:
  1. Opening cPanel
  2. Selecting the MySQL Databases section
  3. Scrolling down to the desired database

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